مقابلة مع معالي وزير العمل الأستاذ سجعان قزي

1- العلاقة بين خريجي الجامعات وسوق العمل هي الشغل الشاغل في العصر الحالي، بصفتكم وزيراً للعمل كيف ترون طبيعة هذه العلاقة والاتجهات اللازمة لتفعيلها إيجابياً؟

يعدّ سوق العمل بكل عناصره نقطة الإهتمام في تحقيق الإنماء الشامل والإستقرار الإجتماعي، وهو الغاية التي يقصدها الشباب اليوم ، وأول ما يثير الإنتباه هو وجود فرص عمل في السوق أم هناك إنكماش وإرتباك.
وللذِكر فقط فإن عناصر سوق العمل هي التالية: مواقع الإنتباه – الأمن الإجتماعي – الموارد البشرية المؤهلة  والمتخصصة – الحوار الإجتماعي بين شركاء الإنتاج.
وما يهمنا هو معرفة حاجات السوق أولاً وتأهيل الكوادر ثانياً.
على صعيد حاجات السوق المقصود بذلك هو ميادين العمل والمهن المطلوبة للإكتفاء، وعلى صعيد الكوادر المقصود إعداد الشباب المتخصّص ليكون على جهوزية تامة لدخول سوق العمل .
هذا الإعداد يجب أن يكون مرتكزاً إلى برامج جامعية وإختصاصات واضحة في البنية الإقتصادية وليست عشوائية. وربط التأهيل العلمي ولاسيما المهني بسوق العمل واجب وطني وإنساني، وعشوائية هذا وتخريج  دفعات جامعيين بشكل غير مدروس سيزيد من حدة البطالة ويوجّه الشباب إلى أبواب السفارات للهجرة عدا أن حماية سوق العمل لصالح الشباب اللبناني بعد ما جرى من نزوح سوري ولجوء فلسطيني أصبحت مسألة معقّدة تستدعي رعاية خاصة لتجنّب التداعيات الخطيرة على الواقع الحالي والمستقبلي.
ولتدارك هذا البُعد بين سوق العمل والسياسة التربوية وعلى الأخص الجامعة نرى وجوب أن يكون هناك تفعيل جدي للمرسوم رقم 6304 الصادر في 5/12/ 1966 الذي قضى بتأليف المجلس الوطني للعمل .
مع الإشارة إلى أن الإمتداد بالمجتمع اللبناني الحرّ لا يعني ترك  الوضع على كما هو حاصل اليوم بل يجب تنظيم حرية العمل وقوننة هذه السوق لكي لا تكون شريعة الغاب هي الناظمة لها.


2. ما هي رؤيتكم لبنية الاختصاصات الجامعية واهم الكفاءات التي يحتاجها لبنان؟

لنسأل أنفسنا أولاً هل تمتلك المؤسسة اللبنانية الراعية لسوق العمل قاعدة معلومات ميوّمة يمكن إستخراج المؤشرات الحقيقية منها لوضع سياسة ناجحة لسوق العمل، الجواب بالتأكيد لا!
يجب أن توضع وتراعي البرامج الجامعية على أساس حاجة السوق لليد العاملة، وما تعدد الجامعات في لبنان ولاسيما الخاصة وتعدد إختصاصاتها غير المبنية على معطيات علمية دفع بهذه الجامعات المنشأة على أساس  طائفي أو مناطقي تتوخّى الربح فقط دون أن تلتفت إلى المصلحة الوطنية العليا.

المطلوب أولاً وأخيراً دراسة ميدانية لسوق العمل ذات هامش خطأ بسيط جداً ويركن إليها لوضع السياسات الناجحة لسوق العمل – وما يجري اليوم هو سبب أصلي من أسباب إرتفاع نسب البطالة


3. كيف يمكن أن تضع قراء مجلتنا في ملخص عن التحديات التي تواجهونها؟

بكل بساطة وإختصار أهم هذه التحديات هي التالية:

  • ترسيخ الأمن والإستقرار الوطني لتهيئة المناخ الملائم للإستثمارات المجدية وجذب رؤوس الأموال.
  • نشر ثقافة المصلحة الوطنية وتعميمها للقضاء على المصالح الشخصية والطائفية ومكافحة إنعدام التقيّد بالقوانين والأنظمة.
  • إعادة النظر بالبرامج التعليمية على أسس علمية وواقعية.
  • تنشيط الحوار الإجتماعي وتثبيت التلاصق والتعاون بين طرفي الإنتاج لإزالة الهواجس التي يشعر بها كل طرف.
  • تفعيل دور الدولة في عملية الإنماء والرقابة ووضع المشاريع اللازمة لتحقيق العدالة الإجتماعية والمساواة أمام القانون.
4. هل من إحصاءات واضحة لنسبة البطالة في لبنان؟

نسمع الكثير عن أرقام متباينة تدل على نسب البطالة وهي لا يمكن الركون إليها جدياً لأنها تنطلق من معطيات وهمية وليست من أرض الواقع وهي لا شك في تصاعد مستمر فمن 12,50% لرقم البطالة منذ سنوات عدة الى 35,00% لسنتين خلف الى أن تراجعت الى 26,5% بعد إعتماد وزارة العمل نهجاً يقضي  بمكافحة منافسة اليد العاملة الأجنبية لليد العاملة اللبنانية.


5. ما هي الخطط الإستراتيجية للحدّ من نسبة البطالة؟

الأمر ليس سهلاً بكل بساطة، فالبطالة مرض عُضال أصاب سوق العمل وليس من اليسير التخلص منه بلحظات أو بإجراءات فورية. وأهم مرتكزات أي خطة للتخفيف من حدة البطالة:

  • إعادة النازحين واللاجئين إلى وطنهم وأرضهم المغتصبة.
  • تحقيق الأمن الإجتماعي ووضع خطط للقضاء على الفقر.
  • تبسيط الإجراءات الإدارية وتسهيل تدفق المستثمرين إلى لبنان عن طريق خلق بيئة حاضنة للإستثمار وفتح اللجنة الضريبية على قاعدة العدالة والمساواة.
  • وضع حدٍ للحصرية ومساعدة المشاريع الصغيرة لذوي الدخل المحدود وتوفير القروض الميسّرة لتشجيع المبادرات الفردية ومكافحة الهجرة بوجهيها الداخلي والخارجي وزيادة حوافز العمل والتقديمات لتحسين القدرة الشرائية للمواطن.


6. كيف أثرت وفود اليد العاملة الأجنبية على تلك اللبنانية؟

مما لا شك فيه أن الشباب اللبناني يعاني بمرارة إلى ما وصل إليه البلد من توافد للأجانب عبر المعابر الشرعية أو الدخول خلسة إلى لبنان، وهذا التوافد خلق لدى الشباب شعوراً بالخيبة وإنعدام الثقة بالدولة وبالمستقبل على حدٍ سواء، وما يثير العجب هو هذا الإنقسام والإستسلام الرسمي والشعبي للواقع المستجدِ الذي خرج عن قدرة الإستيعاب والحاجة أصبحت ماسّة لتغيير هذا الواقع الخطير ومن الضروري إتخاذ القرارات الحكومية الجريئة والجادة والبعيدة عن المسايرة لرغبات خارجية أو محلية أو دوافع شخصية ومن شأن هذه القرارات أن تكسر بحدّة هذا الواقع وتغير من مسار الأحداث في سوق العمل.


7. هل بالإمكان من وضع خطة للحد من هجرة الأدمغة اللبنانية إلى الخارج؟

السؤال الذي يطرح فعلاً: أين هو دور الدولة الحاضنة، أين هي البرامج والسياسات التي تتيح الفرص والمساواة بين الجميع، بصراحة السائد حالياً ويتعاظم في هذا النهج هو الإشكالية وحصر الخدمات بأصحاب الخطوة من الذين إلتجأوا إلى مرجعيات سياسية أو طائفية، فلعبت المحاصصة والزبائنية دورأ كبيراً في حصر فرص العمل على قلتها بالأنسباء والمقربين .
الأدمغة اللبنانية تشعر باليتم فلا مَن يتبنّاها ولا من دولة ترعاها فكان أن تعطلت هذه الأدمغة ولحقها الذّل في مواقع العمل في القطاع الخاص أو على أبواب السفارات.
وسبب كل ذلك عدم وجود دولة الرعاية الإجتماعية وإنعدام المساواة بين المواطنين وزيادة حدة الإحتكار والحصرية في العمل وإنعدام خطط الإنماء الشامل ولإقتصار ذلك على بعض الأماكن الضيقة في المدن وكان سبب ذلك الإكتظاظ السكاني الهائل الذي ينتظر الفرصة السانحة للإنقضاض على ما تبقى من هذه الدولة.


8. ما هي أهمية النشاطات التي تجمع الشركات اللبنانية والأجنبية لتأمين الوظائف للشباب؟

نحن في زمن العولمة والإنفتاح على العالم؛ هذا العالم الذي أصبح قرية صغيرة، فليس مستغرباً أن تسعى الدولة إلى جذب الإستثمارات الأجنبية وتوفير الحوافز بالتعاون مع المستثمرين اللبنانيين، ولكن الأخطر أن تخفي الشركات الأجنبية أهدافاً طابعها الظاهري إقتصادي إجتماعي وطابعها الباطني وضع اليد على قدرات البلد وإغتصاب معوقاته السياسية وإلغاء إنتماءات سكانه الأصليين لصالح جماعات طامعة بالوطن اللبناني.

نؤكد مجدداً على دور الدولة والقطاع الخاص في إيجاد المناخ الملائم لحماية الوجود اللبناني والسيادة اللبنانية وتعميم ثقافة المواطنية الصالحة على اللبنانيين المنقسمين على ذواتهم


9. من المعروف أنكم ترعَون للمرة الثانية معرض الأعمال في MUBS إلى غيرها من الجامعات اللبنانية، ما هي رسالتكم لطلاب الجامعة؟

أتوجه لطلاب الجامعة بالتحية الوطنية وأقدر عالياً المستوى الذي يتمتعون به بشتى الإختصاصات، وبنتيجة رعاية معرض الأعمال في MUBS أقول لطلاب كل الجامعات وبمحبة: أبعدوا عنكم كأس الهجرة وإلتفتوا إلى وطنكم وأنتم رجال المستقبل راقبوا وحاسبوا ولا تكفّوا عن تصويب الأمور في الإتجاه الوطني الصحيح.


Lebanese British Festival

MUBS in partnership with the Shouf Biosphere Reserve celebrated Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday in Shouf as part of the Lebanese British Festival 2016 on Saturday June 4. The British Ambassador to Lebanon HMA Hugo Shorter and Lebanon’s Minister of Tourism HE Michel Pharaoun attended the event joined by MUBS's Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Hatem Alamy, along with university board members, faculty and students. A 90 minute-long mountain trail was inaugurated and named in honor of HM Queen Elizabeth II, and 90 cedar trees will be planted to mark the occasion as well.

The festival started early in the morning with a hike in Ain Zhalta’s Cedar Reserve reaching the newly opened trail named after the Queen. Dr. Nael Alami, VP for Research & Innovation at MUBS, gave a welcome speech and highlighted the significance of a strongly established partnership between MUBS and Cardiff Metropolitan University in UK. 

MUBS marketing students with local farmers and traders in Shouf province displayed their creativity and talent showcasing the cultural diversity of the United Kingdom and Lebanon. The festival's entertainment program was hosted by Frankie Walters in a live coverage by Virgin Radio Lebanon and included a number of musicals and activities with a traditional Scottish dance and Lebanese Dabkeh shows, live band performances, food, and fun games. The jubilant day was concluded with a bonfire in the Ain Zhalta’s Victoria Scouts Village.

MUBS would like to thank all faculty, staff, and students who helped organize this successful event!

The Second International Conference in Project Management

MUBS organized the Second International Conference in Project Management in Lebanon entitled “Deployment of Organizational Project Management Practices” under the patronage of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Lebanon.
The conference took place on the 19th of May 2016 at MUBS’s University Center for Training and Development in Jal El Dib.

The speakers discussed the significance of project management and its impact on the private and public corporations, as well as the influence of project management in privatization.
Speakers during the event included MP Mohammad Rahal, representing Prime Minister Saad El Hariri, Dr. Hatem Alamy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at MUBS, Professor Jassem Ajaka, Consultant to the Minister of Economy, Mr. Ziad Hayek, Secretary General of the Higher Council for Privatization, Mr. Mazen Halawi, representing the Central Bank of Lebanon, Mr. Marcello Mori, representative of the European Delegation in Lebanon, in addition to Dr. Manal Abed Samad.

MUBS Job Fair

On May 12, MUBS held its fourth annual Job Fair under the auspices and presence of the Minister of Labor, Mr. Sejaan Azzi, at its Hamra Campus.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees at MUBS, Dr. Hatem Alamy, delivered a welcome speech in the opening ceremony. Dr. Alamy highlighted the significance of organizing such events as a seminal resource for MUBS students who are at the cusp of entering the job market. He also emphasized the importance of MUBS’s innovative majors, partnerships, and international programs that have been created based on the market needs.

The Minister of Labor, Mr. Sejaan Azzi, took the stage afterwards and discussed the importance of higher education attainment in today’s global knowledge economy. He also commended the quality of education at MUBS, in addition to the remarkable effort that the university is dedicating to support its students, both academically and professionally. Mr. Azzi expressed his pleasure to be part of MUBS’s job fair for the second year in a row. He concluded his speech by underscoring that despite all the challenges, the ministry is working hard to prioritize and provide job vacancies for Lebanese graduates.
Following the opening ceremony, students and alumni from MUBS’s different campuses poured into the job fair to take advantage of this great opportunity. Over 30 companies representing a variety of sectors and industries in Lebanon, such as advertising, banking, food, hospitality, health, journalism, printing, education, travel, communication and IT were present around the Hamra campus to receive students’ resumes, provide helpful information, and conduct informal interviews with prospective candidates.

MUBS would like to thank all the companies that were present and contributed to the success of this year’s job fair.  Special thanks also goes to Fakhry Catering for their support in the event.


Outdoors 2016

On May 8, MUBS held its annual Outdoors at its Aley campus. MUBS Outdoors 2016, sponsored by BBAC, started off with more than 100 high school students who took part in the Spring Race. MUBS Marketing students from the Aley, Damour, Hamra, and Semkanieh campuses also astonished everyone with their brilliant projects that were displayed during the event under the theme “The 60’s/70’s Historic Era of Lebanon”. The event also incorporated a talent show for MUBS students who rocked the stage with their outstanding performances!

This year’s event was hosted by TV presenters Raja Nasser Eldine and Rodolph Hilal who hyped up the audience as they welcomed the stars Nassif Zeytoun, Nadine El Rassi and Bassem Moughnieh.

Many thanks to our students and to the Aley campus staff for organizing an astounding event!

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

The Modern University for Business and Science (MUBS) on Wednesday April 20th commemorated Her Majesty the Queen's 90th birthday with a special celebration. Marking Her Majesty’s milestone, MUBS unveiled a refurbished state-of the-Art Smart Classroom inspired by Her Majesty's commitment to education and training.

The Room Q90 was proudly inaugurated by distinguished guests from the British Embassy in Beirut and the Chevening Secretariat London, who visited the campus in Hamra. The opening ceremony of Room Q90 is the first in a series of jubilant events in Lebanon that the MUBS community will organize celebrating the 90th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

MUBS runs partnership programs with Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK, offering joint Bachelor and MBA degrees in Lebanon. Classroom Q90 is equipped with high-tech video conference facilities, connecting four facilities virtually in Hamra, Damour, Aley, and Semkanieh. Q90 will also get MUBS classes connected with its partner university of Cardiff Met in Wales.

Joined by the university’s Chairman Dr. Hatem Alamy, faculty and students following the Q90 opening, MUBS-Cardiff Marketing Lecture Series launched its first open seminar entitled “Chevening Scholarships Programme”. Mr. Nick Rowland from the Chevening Secretariat spoke about the opportunities Lebanese, Palestinians residing in Lebanon and Syrian students can gain from studying in the UK on scholarships offered by the prestigious Chevening award.  

“Room Q90” Q for Queen and 90 for 90 years #Queenat90 

Optometry Workshop at UCTD

Academics, students, and professionals attended the first optometry workshop entitled “Optometry: an Inspired Career Choice” organized by the School of Health Sciences. The workshop was held on April 21st, 2016 at the University Center for Training and Development, MUBS, Jal el Dib.

A panel of guest speakers presented an array of topics related to the field of Optometry. Professor Ahmad Jammal, represented by Mr. Abd El Mawla Chehabeddine opened the first session by shedding light on the importance of having a B.Sc. degree in Optometry in Lebanon. The role of the Ministry of Public Health in setting legislations was highlighted by Mr. Antoine Romanos, Head of Department, and Medical Professions at the Ministry of Public Health. Then, the President of the Lebanese Syndicate of Opticians and Optometrists Mr. George Hawat, gave an overview of Optometry and what the Syndicate has done so far for developing this field. Dr. Liana al-Labadi, Head of Optometry Division and Program Director at an-Najah National University, Palestine, shared her experience by pinpointing to the attendees the difference between opticians, optometrists, optometry doctors, and optometrists with a PhD degree. She then presented a comparison between the curricula given at different universities in the Arab World.

A special session was arranged to introduce the audience to the Eastern Mediterranean Council of Optometry (EMCO) presented by the President of EMCO, Mr. Hassan Awada. Dr. Mahmoud Hakim, who discussed the career opportunities in the Optometry field, presented the final session.

A Life Changing Speech. Aley Talks

The Rotaract, Club of Aley, held an event entitled "A Life Changing Speech. Aley Talks" on April 22, 2016.

Dr. Hatem Alamy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at MUBS, was one of the prominent speakers at the event, where he presented on the Power of Education and Citizenship Education for the 21st century.

MUBS Better Together Gala Dinner

MUBS International School of Business (ISB) Special Events Management class, Aley Campus, organized a Gala Dinner at Al Koukh restaurant in Aley on Friday May 13th, 2016 under the title of ‘Better Together’. More than 200 people attended the dinner including a number of Aley esteemed persona in addition to MUBS administration and faculty.

“Better Together” Gala Dinner was held to create the Student Assistance Fund at MUBS. The funds raised during the gala dinner will be used to ensure that the younger generation at Aley attains every opportunity to flourish and join higher education classes.

Eye Test Screening

MUBS Optometry students visited Shouf National College (SNC) on May 17, 2016.
Among their project for early detection of eye ametropya, MUBS students did an eye test screening for more than 200 students.

Great job to all and thanks to SNC students and administration for the warm welcome and encouragement.

Instashop Rebranding Competition

Congratulations to our Graphic Design student Dayana Abdelkhalek who won the Instashop Rebranding Competition.  Neam Aboul Hosn was also announced as the second place winner and Christina Ismail as the third place winner.

Instashop is a grocery delivery application that is based in Dubai. The client requested from our students to tweak their current logo and to work on their identity image.

Congratulations to all our creative designers. You always make us proud!

HRM Strategy Project

The British Academy in Lebanon (BAL) Level 6 students depicted their projects on the 10th of May at MUBS Hamra campus. The course was in HRM Strategy and the project was within the frame of Continuous Professional Development CPD, where every student shared his vision of his future career plan.

Congratulations to Dr. Ahmad El Zein

Congratulations to Dr. Ahmad El Zein for publishing his first book entitled “The Latest Perception in Leadership: The Five Dimension Model”.
“The book provides a new standardized model in leadership, which aims to present a unified definition in the field. The chapters of the book provide explanations for each factor in the model with practical questions at the end of each chapter. Ms. Reem BouZeinddine, faculty member at MUBS, also contributed by writing a chapter in the book, while MUBS’s Education major student Shafika El Gharib assisted in developing the introductory chapter of the book”, says Dr. Zein.
The book-signing event was held on April 9, 2016 in Tyre.

Article by Dr. Nisreen Alwan

Congratulations to Dr. Nisreen Alwan, Dean of the School of Health Sciences at MUBS for publishing a new article on “Green Area” about catfishes in the Mediterranean. 
Click here to read the full article:


MUBS Campuses Cup

MUBS Sports Department ended the spring semester by organizing the MUBS Campuses Cup 2016 for the university's staff and faculty members.
Congrats to MUBS Beirut Campus for their victory in Mini Football against Damour Campus (12-7).

First Place in Muay Thai!

Congrats to MUBS student Rawad Alameddine!

Rawad achieved first place in the Lebanese Universities Championship in Muay Thai which was held on Thursday May 11. Rawad will represent Lebanon in the Asian Muay Thai Championship 2016.

Best of luck to our MUBS champ!


Lebanese Army Martyrs Cup in "Pistol Shooting"

Congratulations to our students Alaa Al Ashkar and Sara Malaeb who participated in the Lebanese Army Martyrs Cup in "Pistol Shooting" on Saturday April 23.

Alaa Al Ashkar won the first place among 22 universities (males category) while Sara Malaeb ranked fourth among 16 other contestants (females category).







A Groundbreaking Virtual Exchange Program with Stanford and other American Universities at MUBS

In recent years, so much has been made on the role of globalization in bridging cultural distances and educational disparities among countries and across borders. The tools for such lofty goals have mostly focused on online learning and the ability of faculty and students to communicate and benefit from each other’s expertise and research. In Lebanon, and despite the hype, we have generally lagged behind in utilizing all available routes to promote active exchange of knowledge and information. Institutions that have taken the lead in this exchange and movement towards globalization were either resorting to very limited face-to-face exchange, or passive online learning. The former method is complicated by the political instability in the country, and the former has been proven by research to be of limited long-term benefit as it lacks student engagement and face-to-face interaction.
At MUBS, we have always valued active, participatory, and interactive learning environments. We aspired to bring that same philosophy to our exchange programs. As a result, we have embarked on a pioneering program with Stanford University in California, USA to start the MUBS Virtual Exchange Program that allows MUBS and Stanford University students and faculty to study and work together on a daily basis in select courses and utilizing world-class educational platforms created by Harvard, MIT, and developed by Stanford (Stanford EdX Lagunita Platform).

The benefits of student exchange are vast and multi-layered. Beyond interactive learning in classrooms of 25 students or less, across borders to exchange information and discuss academic material that culminates in a common project presented by groups of four students (each group contains 2 American and 2 Lebanese working on a daily basis through videoconferencing and common course work), the benefits of this exchange are cultural and long-lasting.

Human beings tend to form positive stereotypes of those they resemble, and negative stereotypes of those who are different, creating in-groups and out-groups. Stereotypes are then used to explain behaviors not only of groups, but also of individuals. Such attitudes reduce complex realities, simplifying the multiple causes of human behavior to a single factor. Furthermore, stereotypes can be difficult to suspend because they are also typically linked to strong positive or negative emotions—depending on the nature of the stereotype. When such stereotypes are used to explain behavior, to evaluate performance, or to predict the potential of individuals and groups, conclusions that are reached using such flawed categories will also be flawed.

Unfortunately, we can detect the negative repercussions of stereotypes in our national and international communities. As educators and professionals from MUBS and Stanford, we will try to make our students cognizant of the explanatory frameworks used to judge others, especially out-group members, when working with individuals. Such cognizance is necessary for an objective and realistic understanding of specific communities.

For many decades, educational institutions have set up face-to-face student exchanges to help counter stereotypes and broaden perspectives. In spite of its benefits, though, face-to-face exchange is a difficult and expensive form of educational experience, one that is more often available to students from rich nations, and requires these students to have the means and flexibility to live far away from home for an extended period of time. As a result, we have developed this exchange because our experience suggests that cultural trait stereotypes held about life in the Middle East and the United States can be altered to become more differentiated and objective by engaging students at MUBS and American universities in a cooperative, group educational activity, mediated by technology.

In every field, today's professionals routinely collaborate with counterparts across multiple borders and oceans, sometimes meeting face-to-face and sometimes meeting through the intermediary of technology. Ease and fluency in these settings is an important professional asset. As a foundation, the exchange will use a form of problem-based learning to help prepare students for this kind of professional collaboration. Developed by faculty and researchers in both the U.S. and Lebanon, the exchange will also emphasize cross-cultural learning, and through new media and technologies it will promote collaborative learning. Working in cross-national teams and empowered with digital tools, students will be tasked to solve the same kinds of problems that they will soon be tasked to solve as professionals, with counterparts they may continue to know long after their common course has ended.

As students at MUBS, the Virtual Exchange Program with Stanford will help prepare students to join this century's global workforce. This innovative and pioneering program is a testament to our university’s impeccable record in academic circles on the international stage. We are currently planning on expanding our courses to include common courses with Georgetown and George Washington University, which sends a signal on what MUBS is striving to achieve and the standing we hope to realize among the top-ranking universities in the world.


Dr. Nael Alami
VP for Research & Innovation | MUBS

How are you preparing yourself for a successful career after graduation?


I am currently working on a group of Graphic Design projects to place in my portfolio to submit. I also started applying to different jobs in Spain, Canada, and Lebanon. I am trying to get a head start to find a good job by the time I graduate.


My preparation includes graduating with my BA and continuing my Master’s degree which I am applying for through Erasmus Mundus. It is essential to be well-equipped educationally to pursue a good career.


I started my search online for suitable jobs that fit my educational background. It is better to start your search early because we have limited opportunities in Lebanon. I am also working on enhancing my communication skills.


The first step I am working on is advancing my education. The more education, the better job opportunities you can get, in addition to networking with peers and faculty members and gaining work experience through internships.


I prepare myself by searching ahead of time for the suitable job, challenging myself in different career aspects, and making use of as many internships as possible.


I am focusing on developing my aptitudes and skills in order to match the available job opportunities.


I mainly concentrate on improving my skills and qualifications in alignment with my dream job.


After earning my dual degree in Business and Management, I am looking forward to employ my knowledge and skills to improve my own business. I am also excited to complete my Master’s degree which will also help in building my career and preparing me for better job opportunities.


To be well equipped for the job industry, you must be aware and knowledgeable about the different job sectors. You also should interview and ask professionals to give you insights of what awaits you.


Experience and education are key. Earn a degree and take as many internships as possible to gain experience. In my opinion, those are keys for a promising career path.


My plan is to start my job search with a fresh mind until I find one that suits my skills and ambitions.


I am preparing by working with my dad and learning all the skills needed to manage a company. With such skills and training, I believe I will be able to pursue a professional career or even take over the business.


I am preparing for my future by improving my work ethic skills, applying for internships and meeting with professionals who have been mentoring me.


I am preparing for my future career by staying up to date on job market requirements and also by seeking internships that would advance my capabilities.


I am observing other professionals who are leaders in their careers to learn from them and benefit from their expertise.


I am practicing on enhancing my soft skills, like being more committed, punctual, attentive to details, and professional in order to be ready for a good career after graduation.